Board of Governors Spotlight: Neel Sus

Learning to rebound from failure is at the core of every entrepreneur’s story, which is why Junior Achievement board member Neel Sus believes in the importance of entrepreneurial education. Neel mentors youth entrepreneurs in an idea accelerator workshop as a part of the JA Trust Your Crazy Ideas Challenge. He advises the enterprising student-entrepreneurs who are working on bringing their “crazy ideas” to fruition to embrace failure: “Every failure is an opportunity to learn something. Analyze where reality deviated from the plan so you can execute better next time.” For Neel, entrepreneurial education “is the bedrock of innovation." He says, “If we’re able to get these concepts in young minds, they learn to see opportunities where others see nothing.”

Neel serves as the CEO & CPO (Chief People Development Officer) of Susco, a business software development firm that enables people to contribute in more meaningful and fulfilling ways by transforming mid-market enterprises with intuitive software. Neel is also actively engaged in efforts to build the technical, entrepreneurial, and cognitive health of our community members, especially those dealing with undue adversity. As a member of Junior Achievement’s Board of Governors, Neel gives both his time and money to support JA’s work in building the next generation of our community’s innovators. You can join Neel in supporting JA students with a gift and with your time as a volunteer


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