City Stars Soirée
Thursday, November 14, 2024 | 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Il Mercato | 1911 Magazine Street
Sponsorships available - scroll down for more info!
Join Junior Achievement of Greater New Orleans for the 19th annual celebration of the City Stars Soirée, where JAGNO will honor the 2024 Rising Star honorees. Featuring a silent auction, live music, and more, the City Stars Soirée is packed evening of celebration and fun.
For more information, Contact:
Gail Smith | (504) 569-8657.
Meet the 2024 Rising Stars
Who is a Rising Star? An individual under 40, chosen by JA, who has displayed strong entrepreneurial skills with ethical and moral standards, and is a founder, co-founder, owner, co-owner, or a key person of a growing entrepreneurial business.
Jarrett Cohen
Meghan Donelon
Red River Bank
Lauren Gibbs
Gibbs Construction
Dr. Neil Jolly
Louisiana Pain Specialist
Ralph Mahana
The Windsor Court
Sponsorship Levels
SOLD – Susco Solutions
24 Soirée tickets
10 Tickets to the Rising Stars Reception
3 Reserved tables of 8 the Soirée
Reserved parking for 6 vehicles
6 Bottles of fine champagne at the Soirée
Logo on all printed materials including but not limited to media releases, invitations, event program, digital and printed signage at the event and post-event
Day of event recognition – display of banner and stage recognition
Recognition in Junior Achievement’s Annual Report in New Orleans CityBusiness
16 Soirée tickets
8 Tickets to the Rising Stars Reception
2 Reserved tables of 8 at the Soirée
Reserved Parking for 4 vehicles
Logo on all printed materials including but not limited to media releases, invitations, event program, digital and printed signage at the event and post-event
Day of event recognition – display of banner and stage recognition
Recognition in Junior Achievement’s Annual Report in New Orleans CityBusiness
MEGA STAR | $5,000
8 Soirée tickets
8 Tickets to the Rising Stars Reception
1 Reserved table at the Soirée
Reserved Parking for 2 vehicles
Company name on all printed materials including but not limited to media releases, invitations, event program and digital and printed signage at the event and post-event
Day of event recognition - stage recognition
Acknowledgement in Junior Achievement’s Annual Report in New Orleans CityBusiness
ALL STAR | $3,500
8 Soirée tickets
4 Tickets to the Rising Stars Reception
Reserved Parking for 1 vehicle
Company name on all printed materials including but not limited to media releases, event program. Digital and printed signage at the event and post event
Day of event recognition - stage recognition
Acknowledgement in Junior Achievement’s Annual Report in New Orleans CityBusiness
SUPER STAR | $2,500
6 Soirée tickets
2 Tickets to the Rising Star Reception
Company name on all printed materials including but not limited to invitations, event program and digital and printed signage at the event and post-event
Acknowledgment in Junior Achievement’s Annual Report in New Orleans CityBusiness
RISING STAR | $1,500
4 Complimentary Soirée tickets
Name on all printed materials including but not limited to invitations, event program and digital and printed signage at the event and post-event
Acknowledgement in Junior Achievement’s Annual Report in New Orleans CityBusiness

Past Rising Stars
Ashley J. Abbott
Suzanne Alford
Sallie Arata
Stirling Barrett
Pepper Baumer
Chad Berg
Brandon Berger
Mark Berger
Ryan Berger
Dwayne Bernal
Kyle Berner
John Besh
Abhi Bhansali
Adam Biderman
David Blossman
Neal Bodenheimer
Jennifer Bond
John S. Bowers, III
Kyle Brechtel
Sara Brennan
Geordie Brower
Simone Bruni
Kurt D. Buchert
Jason Burns
Katy Casbarian
Edgar Chase, IV
McKenzie Coco
Eddie Compass, IV
Kendall Connick
Lacey Conway
Craig Cordes
Sean Cummings
Lowry Curley
Greg Dietz
Joel Dondis
G. Perry Eastman, IV
Katherine Eshleman
Keith Esquerré
Caroline Farouki
Sabri Farouki
Robert Fogarty
Gabrielle Glasgow
Steve Gleason
Becker Hall
John Harris
David Hecht
Michael Hecht
Lauren Hernandez
Deirdre Hooper
Pike Howard
Sarah Jackson
Margaret Jones
Lana Joseph
Ben Kazenmaier
Brian Kern
Suzi Kingston
Gordon Kolb, Jr.
Zachary Kupperman
Antonio LaMartina
Sal LaMartina
Kevin J. Langley
Rita Benson Leblanc
Robert Leblanc
Bivian “Sonny” Lee, III
Kim Lewis
Ben Luzynski
Suma Maddox
Reid Martin
Crystal McDonald
Parke McEnery
John C. McNamara, II
Jennifer Medberry
Peter Menge, Jr.
Virginia C. Miller
Aaron Miscenich
Robby Moss
Chase Mullin
Keith Naccari
Ted Neikirk
Lavonzell Nicholson
Robert A. Nelson
Philip Nimmo
James Orintas
Desiree Ontiveros
Wesley Palmisano
Brett Patron
Nicolas R. Perkin
Brett Perrier
Kenneth Purcell
Kenny Rabalais
Clayton Randle
Gretchen Riedel
Erin Romney-Cazes
Martin Roth
Donny Rouse
Patrick Schindler
Chris Schultz
Matthew G. Schwartz
Karl Senner
Jessica Shahien
Alon Shaya
Amy Sins
Gary Solomon, Jr.
Cleveland Spears, III
Dana Stumpf
Neel Sus
Lauren Thom
Clark A. Todd
Sidney D. Torres, IV
Otis Tucker, Jr.
G. Townsend Underhill, IV
Ashwin Vilkhu
Sandy Villere, III
Tim Williamson
Sevetri Wilson
Kendall Winingder
Matthew Wisdom
Scott Wolfe, Jr.
Aaron Wolfson
Jeffrey S. Zehnder