Power Their Potential: Volunteer with Junior Achievement!

In 2025, Junior Achievement of Greater New Orleans will reach a historic milestone: our one millionth student served. This incredible achievement is only possible thanks to the tens of thousands of volunteers who have dedicated their time and passion over the past 70 years.

Now, we invite you to be in that number.

Imagine if someone had taught you how to manage money, understand interest rates, or explore local career opportunities when you were younger. How different could things have been? Now, you can be that game-changer for today’s students. With just your passion, life experience, and a desire to inspire, you can make a real impact. Junior Achievement of Greater New Orleans provides everything you need—training, easy-to-follow lessons, and a classroom full of eager learners ready to hear from you.

By volunteering with JA, you bring your personal and professional experiences to students in your community, helping them connect what they learn in school to what they’ll need to succeed in work and life. You can be the reason a young person moves beyond just making ends meet to building a fulfilling career and life.

Through JA’s simple yet impactful financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship programs, you can empower young people to own their economic success. Whether you participate through your employer’s volunteer program or on your own, your time andknowledge will make a lasting impact.

You can find upcoming volunteer opportunities at www.jagno.org/be-a-volunteer. Or you can be added to our volunteer list for future opportunities here: www.jagno.org/volunteersignup.

Be part of something historic—shape the next generation by volunteering with Junior

Achievement today!


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